2013年9月30日 星期一

9/30 Cover line

2. Jen and Paul are SERIOUS ! Paul:"She's fantastic!"
3.A EASIER stunning garden makeover
4.Lose ten kilos and become HOTTEST in two months
5.Fit & quit to give up nicotine
6.The coolest cars in this year
7.The greatest guitar song's tracks

2013年9月26日 星期四

Photo story: On The Other Side

It is not easy to live in a different country even though it's just only for two months. It was not my first time to go to other country to travel, but it was my first time to stay for a long time in another country. Everything for me was new because I had to adjust to the different life style that other county has.
Even though I just went to China, where everyone think is easy to live and adjust because we use the same language, the loneliness of staying in a different country was still killing me. In that two months, the most relaxing thing for me was sleeping because in my dream I can forget that I was in China. There are lots of things I wasn't used to it e.g., language, food, people, and traffic. Although we all speak Chinese which they called “putonghua”, but they use their first language, Cantonese,to communicate with other people more often. And that is was very hard for me because I did not understand any single word of Cantonese.
Besides the most common problems about living in the a different country are such as not getting used to their food or their people. For me the hardest thing about living to live in China is that you have to deal with the problem of out of water and have a blackout. Can you imagine that every twice a week you have to endure the water outage and blackout? And it was summer so the temperature in Guangzhou was up to 39℃. I almost thought I would die in China because the weather was too hot and I couldn't turn on the air conditioner or fan. The photo I posted was taken by a normal- out-of-water-and-have-a-blackout-day. Because I was afraid my roommate and I would die in the dormitory so we decided to go to a coffee shop to help us through this tough day. And in the evening we went to a park where I took this photo.
I still remember that day- it was the 43rd day I stayed in China. When I looked at the sunset I was wondering whether Taiwan on the parallelon the other side or not. I knew it is was stupid but I really thought maybe my friends and my family could see the same sunset although we were in different countries. The atmosphere of this photo made me feel homesick. Looking at the sunset just like looking at my hometown. It is was too far for me to chase.

2013年9月23日 星期一

9/23 In-class Exercise

  1. When was this photo taken? We don't know.
  2. Who took the photo? Lori Smith .
  3. Where was this photo taken? The photograph was taken round the corner from the writer's halls of residence, where someone had painted the quote onto the fence round a building site.
  4. Why was this photo taken? The writer found it very inspiring as it’s not often that you see such classy graffiti – something that really makes you think.
  5. Why is this photo meaningful for the writer? Because the writer inspired by this quote painted on the graffiti.
  6. What is the story behind this photo? Lori went to a place where accept gay people, and he accept too. But he dose not understand why some people think it’s okay to treat gay people life hell.
  7. Who are the characters in the story? Lori, Lori's friends,the people in Manchester.
  8. Where is the setting? Manchester.
  9. What are the series of Events? The writer moved 200 miles away from his parents’ home, and found out the place where he lived was a mere stone’s throw from the ‘gay village’. He respect and love these people and does not understand why some people make life hell for people whose only crime is being different
  10. What is the 'tension' generated in the story? The writer said he forgot that there are some people  make life hell for people whose only crime is being different.
  11. What is the climax in the story? The writer saw the wall which round the corner from the writer's halls of residence.
  12. What is the resolution?The quote on the wall "heterosexuality isn't normal-just more common"
  13. What is the message behind the story? People should respect other people's sexuality.

2013年9月16日 星期一

9/16 Newspaper

Headline: Thief stole safe in Ipswich 

Introduction:  A  private kindergarten nursery school in Ipswich, Suffolk was broke walls with tools at the midnight. The thief taken a safe which containing  £ 1,200 in the nursery’s wheelie bin. The victims said:" We were so shocked we were targeted when we are just a nursery." The police replied:"We are doing all we can to arrest the thief."